Hundreds Slaughtered in Nigeria: – International Christian Concern

While many in Nigeria were still celebrating the victory of Christian presidential candidate Goodluck Jonathan, Christians in northern Nigeria were grieving over the mass graves that would be the final resting place of their loved ones.

In the Muslim north, Muslim mobs reacted to the news of Goodluck’s election on April 18th by launching massive simultaneous attacks against Christians in almost every northern state. The mobs massacred hundreds of Christians, torched more than 300 churches, and destroyed countless Christian homes.

Nigerian government authorities were in such a hurry to hide the extent of the massacre that they organized mass burials of the victims almost immediately after the attacks. As a result, the exact death toll remains unknown.

Kaduna State Hardest Hit

In Kaduna state, where Christians suffered the greatest losses, our sources estimate that at least 300 people were slaughtered in the towns of Zonkwa and Kafanchan, alone.

Today, close to a thousand families are displaced and living in camps set up by the government. More than 200 families lost their homes, and hundreds more have fled their homes in fear of continued attacks.

More than 200 homes were torched by Muslims in Kaduna state

Feed a Family for Three Weeks

These families are in desperate need of food to sustain them during this extremely volatile time. With your help, we will respond to their need by providing as many as 800 families with enough rice and vegetable oil to feed them for weeks. Incredibly, it only takes $40 to buy enough food to feed a family of five for three weeks.

“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? … The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’”
Matthew 25:37,40

This is an incredible opportunity to give to your suffering brothers and sisters as you would give to your Savior. Would you take a moment right now to invest in eternity?

Click here to feed a family Your gift is a part of our Community Rebuilding Fund. Please include “Nigeria” as a note so it is appropriately directed
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